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At first glance, it is evident that Dunbarton is unique as one meanders through the neighborhood, taking in the diverse shapes, sizes, and facades of the homes, the non-structured layout, the pleasing assortment of natural colors (siding, trim, doors), the interesting topography, and the abundant, mature trees and shrubs.


But there is more. There is another value here that sets us apart from most other townhome communities. It is evident to everyone, just more difficult to define. Ours is not quite an official “historic” neighborhood, but it is from another time, a different era before aluminum siding and plastic fencing were household words, when there was pride in workmanship and importance placed on quality and harmony. This is the feeling our neighborhood emanates and, because of trends and fads, the one quality we must strive the hardest to maintain.


Dunbarton is a townhouse community of 147 homes, zoned PDR (Planned Density Residential), situated on 50 wooded acres just off Hope Valley Road within the city limits of Durham. Built on what was previously Wofford Golf Course, the first unit was completed in 1975, and the last lot was developed in 1994. The uniqueness of Dunbarton is found in the diversity of the individual homes, the rolling landscape, the wide-open spaces, and a sense of tranquility and solitude not often found within a city of this size.


Owners of Dunbarton property also own the land upon which their townhouse stands, plus a small amount of land surrounding their unit, all of which differentiates townhouses from condominiums. The common areas are owned and maintained by the Dunbarton Homeowners Association, which also owns the recreational facilities, i.e., the swimming pool, clubhouse, and two ponds. These are for the use and enjoyment of all residents and their guests.


Dunbarton is an incorporated community governed by the Dunbarton Homeowners Association, Inc. Upon taking title to a property, the buyer immediately becomes a member of the association. At the annual meeting, held every September, the membership elects the members of the Board of Directors, votes on the proposed budget, and handles any other matters that might come before that body. Affairs of the association are managed by a seven-member Board of Directors, elected for staggered three-year terms. The board has the duty to govern the association, set policies, establish and collect monthly assessments, publish rules governing the common properties and facilities, draw up a budget for presentation to the membership, authorize expenditures, appoint committees, etc. More details can be found in the association’s bylaws.


A community manager is responsible for the day-to-day operations, and the grounds are maintained by a landscape contractor, employing at least three full-time workers. 


Dunbarton Website and Listserv. The Dunbarton website is located at www.dunbartonnc.org. Dunbarton maintains a neighborhood listserv that allows email conversation and information sharing between residents. 


One Call Now. The association has contracted with One Call Now, a nationwide messaging system, to insure the timely delivery of communications to the entire Dunbarton community. 


Governing Documents and Forms, Board Minutes, and Annual Financial Reports.  Governing documents can be found under "Guidelines to Living in Dunbarton" on the home page of this website.


Standing Committees. There are seven standing committees: Architectural; Budget, Finance & Infrastructure; Grounds; Neighborhood Watch & Safety; Nominating; Communications; and Social/Recreation. Other committees may be appointed as needed. Members are drawn from the community, and residents are encouraged to volunteer. The responsibilities of these committees are outlined in the Bylaws and Covenants & Restrictions. Homeowners may bring requests to any of the committees who will then make recommendations regarding these requests to the board for its approval or disapproval.


Monthly Homeowner Dues. All units pay a monthly assessment for maintenance and operating expenses. The amount is set each year by the budget adopted at the annual meeting. Each property owner receives a detailed breakdown of the draft budget prior to the annual meeting. The association’s fiscal year runs from October through September. Monthly assessments are due the first of each month and can be made either by bank draft or a check to the property management company, CAS (Community Association Services). New owners are responsible for the assessment immediately upon taking title to a property. The Community Manager will notify a new owner of the monthly payment amount; no further notification will be made, and it is the responsibility of the owner to remit each monthly payment.


Association Accounts.  Each homeowner’s monthly assessment covers monthly operating expenses, unit maintenance and infrastructure reserves, general maintenance – long term and short-term needs, recreation area maintenance, Spectrum bundle, and reserve capital. The General Operation Account is for the maintenance of the common areas, the Infrastructure Reserve Fund for capital improvements and emergencies, and the Unit Maintenance Account for painting and repairs of the exterior of the units and the repairs and replacement of roofs. Painting is generally done on a seven-year rotation and roof replacements are typically done on a 20-year rotation. 


Dunbarton Reserve Study (Infrastructure Study). This report analyzes components of the community for which the association is responsible and assesses a useful expected life and useful remaining life to those components. This report is intended to be used as a tool to determine reserve fund allocation requirements for the community, to manage future association obligations, and to inform the community of future general financial needs. The reserve study is available to Dunbarton residents with secure access to the website and can be found in the Dunbarton Homeowners Association Manual. 


Common Areas and other Association Responsibilities. The association provides care of the common areas (not inside patios or fences), gutter and downspout cleaning, garbage pickup once each week, snow removal of the streets, and general maintenance of all community facilities, which includes streets, sewers, water lines, street lights, and recreational facilities.


Mail Delivery/Mailboxes. Resident mailboxes with unit numbers are located at the mail centers found throughout Dunbarton. Typically, a resident’s mailbox will be found in the mail center closest to their house. An outgoing mail drop box is located at the Dunbarton Circle mail center. Association mailboxes are located at the end of each mail center and are used for community forms; a notice will be placed on the front of each mail center indicating when there is something in the box.


Keys to the Pool, Clubhouse, and Rear Recycling Area Gate. Homeowners are provided with a key to open the pool gate and codes to open the clubhouse and tennis court. Keys should be passed on from the unit’s former owner. Replacement keys may be purchased from the Property Manager for $25.00. 


Pool and Clubhouse. The pool and clubhouse are for the use of all legal residents of Dunbarton and their invited guests. The pool is open from dawn to 9:00 pm, May to September (specific dates are determined annually by the board). A key is required for access (see above). The clubhouse is available for hosting private parties and gatherings and can be reserved by Dunbarton residents only. Pool and clubhouse rules are in effect. 


Trash Collection. The Dunbarton landscape crew collects household trash from each unit’s designated trash area weekly, early Monday morning. If collection falls on a holiday, the pickup will be the next weekday. Residents provide their own trash cans and the association provides trash bags. Do not put out items that will not fit in the cans or are recyclable.


Recycling/Trash Area. The Dunbarton recycling/trash area is located at the entrance to the community across from the clubhouse. Gates are open from 7:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday. At other times, the rear gate to the recycling/trash area can be accessed without a key. 


Recycling. Residents are urged to recycle whenever possible. Residents provide their own recycling containers and are responsible for placing the materials in the blue recycling bins located in the Dunbarton recycling/trash area. Dunbarton follows the City of Durham recycling guidelines. Do not place plastic bags in the recycling bins. 


Dumpsters. Do not place anything in the dumpsters located in the recycling/trash area but household trash. If this is not strictly enforced, the City of Durham will discontinue servicing the dumpsters at Dunbarton. Large trash items may be placed in the dumpsters. Do not leave old furniture, appliances, carpeting, mattresses, or any other items on the ground around the dumpsters as they will not be collected.


Spectrum. The association has a bulk contract with Spectrum to provide digital TV service and internet to each unit. The cost is included in the monthly homeowner dues. If homeowners wish to obtain any other premium channels, upgraded internet, digital phone, or music channels, they must contact Spectrum directly and make their own arrangements. 


Telephone Service. Telephone service is not an association responsibility and should be handled by the homeowner.


Termite Inspection. The association provides annual termite inspections by a company that guarantees extermination of any termites found. The association does not pay the cost of any repairs needed resulting from termite infestation.


Vehicles and Parking. The maximum speed limit is 20 mph on all Dunbarton streets. Ownership of a residence entitles an owner to the use of parking pads contiguous to that residence, together with any drive or drives servicing the residence. Dunbarton decals should be displayed on all resident vehicles. Dunbarton streets are considered fire lanes and must be unobstructed, therefore on-street parking is not allowed. Unlicensed and/or inoperable vehicles, boats, RVs, and trailers are not to be operated or stored in Dunbarton.


Shrubbery Trimming.  Shrubs are trimmed and pruned in the spring and fall. 


Gutter Cleaning. All gutters are cleaned in the spring and fall.


Plumbing/Water/Electrical/Drainage Problems. Before scheduling any repairs or remediation, contact the Community Manager to determine whether the resolution is the responsibility of the HOA or the homeowner.


Snow and Ice Removal. The Dunbarton maintenance contractor keeps the streets clear.