The documents highlighted below, are the Governing Documents for the Dunbarton Homeowners Association, Inc. If you are interested in buying a home in Dunbarton, these documents give you the guidelines for living in our community in harmony with your neighbors. Your real estate agent should provide you with a copy of these documents prior to buying a home in our community. Please read them and ask questions if there is something you don't understand.
Dunbarton is an incorporated community of 147 homes, zoned PDR (Planned Density Residential) governed by the Dunbarton Homeowners Association, Inc. Upon taking title to a property, the buyer immediately becomes a member of the Association.
At the Annual Meeting, held every September, the membership elects the Board members, votes on the proposed budget and handles other community issues brought before the Board. The affairs of the DHA are managed by a seven-member Board of Directors, elected for staggered three-year terms. The Board has the duty to govern the Association, set policies, establish and collect monthly assessments, publish rules governing the common properties and facilities, draw up a budget for presentation to the membership, authorize expenditures and appoint committees, etc.